Catholic Schools Week

Catholic Schools Week

As part of Catholic Schools Week on St. Brigid’s day class 1 Indigo made St Brigid’s crosses.
The many strands that make up a St.Brigid’s cross represent the different strands of our own lives. They pick up on our joys and blessings but also on our struggles, problems and difficulties.
For Brigid the cross was not an end in itself but pointed to a firm and sure hope in a loving God.
For Brigid this loving God helps us to make sense of everything that’s going on in our lives. Dark winter days are nearly over and spring is just around the corner.
‘A Naomh Bríd, a Mhuire na nGael, scar orainn do bhrat. A Naomh Bríd, a chroí na féile, stiúir sinn ar an mbóthar ceart.’Image.png