Composition Competition 2020!
Calling all song writers, and instrumentalists of St Mary’s to enter our Composition Competition!
Now that Easter Holidays are upon us, students have more time on their hands, and in St Mary’s we know we have a lot of very talented musicians, singers, instrumentalists and composers. So with that in mind, the Music Department of St Mary’s has decided to run a Composition Competition.
We invite our musically talented students to compose a song or instrumental piece as a creative response to the current pandemic. The composition should be uplifting and positive. It should be a piece that will inspire and encourage the nation as we continue our efforts together to contain the virus.
Win the opportunity to record your composition in MIC Studios and have it released on iTunes and Apple Music with all funds raised going towards a charity connected to the Covid-19 pandemic.
This gives you about 2 weeks to get creative,and get composing!!
For further information and details on how to enter see the poster and go to:
Happy composing and good luck!!