Hamilton Bridge Painting – Presentation to St Mary’s

Hamilton Bridge Painting – Presentation to St Mary’s



Mr Neil Hallinan presenting his painting of Hamilton at Broom Bridge to Ms Rochford of the Maths Department on 16th October, the anniversary of William Rowan Hamilton’s great discovery.


Maths week took place between 17th and the 21st October. The week was filled with exciting mathematical events for all year groups but the highlight of the week had to be the return of Neil Hallinan (former Maths teacher) to the school to present to St Mary’s a wonderful  piece of ‘mathematical’ art depicting the great mathematician William Rowan Hamilton at Broom Bridge on the occasion of his famous eureka moment (when he discovered the quaternion formula)!!  It was while walking with his wife near Broom Bridge  on 16th October 1843 that Hamilton Hamilton created Quaternions as he walked along the banks of the Royal Canal. He engraved his formula with a pen knife into the stone of the bridge and this is captured so beautifully in the painting by Neil Hallinan shown below.




We are deeply indebted to Neil for this wonderful gift to the school which will be displayed proudly for present and future generations of students to enjoy.

