TY Students Perform at the Student Leaders Congress in Limerick

TY Students Perform at the Student Leaders Congress in Limerick

Cycle Against Suicide Student Leaders’ Congress in the University of Limerick (Thursday 19th January): 

The TY drama group involved in the LetItGlow celebration on 13th December last in the Science Gallery was invited to perform their drama piece at the Cycle Against Suicide Student Leaders’ Congress in the University of Limerick today.   The aim of the congress is to promote positive mental health, help-seeking behaviour in young people and the Cycle Against Suicide message that ‘It’s ok not to feel ok and it’s absolutely ok to ask for help.’  The Congress brings together young adults and teachers from all over Ireland in an inspiring and energetic forum comprising of celebrity speakers, live entertainment, discussion and much more.

Our TY drama group performed their devised drama piece I am not Invisible to an audience of over three thousand in the UL today. They were fantastic and their message was very well received. Congratulations to them all!


The team relaxing in the green room after their performance.