Young Scientists Exhibition 2016

Young Scientists Exhibition 2016

Congratulations to Zuzanna Bartkowska (3 Robin) and Nicole Ledden (3 Lark) who are representing the school this week at the Young Scientists Exhibition in the RDS, photographed above with Ms O’Donnell.

The girls explain their project to a group of very interested ladies from ‘Education Tech-Group’ from the UK (above)

Senator Averil Power poses with the girls at their stand in the RDS (above)

Ms O’Keefe, Ms O’Donnell, Zuzanna and Nicole at their stand in the RDS (above)

Their project is now displayed in the RDS. Blue section, stand number 2577.The opening ceremony was at 2pm on Wednesday and this was to be followed by the first round of judging.The TY students along with their science teachers visited the exhibition on Thursday.Well done girls! And special thanks to Ms O’Keeffe for her support and guidance!

The title of Zuzanna and Nicole’s project was ‘Does the use of electronic devices before sleep effect secondary school students’ cognitive ability the next day?’  Both students were in attendance at the RDS with Ms O’Keeffe from Wednesday until Saturday.  On Tuesday, the girls were interviewed by RTÉ radio.  On Friday, Nicky Byrne from Westlife visited their stand and showed a great interest in their project!  Well done girls! We are so proud of you both!