Félicitations to our Senior French Debating Team!
French Debating Team

Félicitations to our Senior French Debating Team!

Félicitations to our Senior French Debating Team!PHOTO-2018-10-24-07-56-25

Félicitations (Congratulations!) to our Senior French debating team who won their first round at the Alliance Francaise Schools Debating Competition against Alexandra College yesterday evening (23rd October 2018). Huge congratulations to captain Alexandra Rosus of Sixth Year who captained the team and to team members Mazzy Hollerich, Eva Murray and Eira Tabaniag. The team did phenomenal work, opposing the motion “Les grandes vacances en Irlande sont trop longues (Summer holidays in Ireland are too long). Thanks to Ms Shanahan and Ms O’Callaghan for motivating the students to reach this stage of the competition.PHOTO-2018-10-24-07-55-57