Green Schools Mission to Conserve Water

Green Schools Mission to Conserve Water

Green Schools Mission to Conserve Water

The water is the third theme of the green school’s programme.

The water theme looks at developing awareness around water conservation and how to effectively manage this important resource in our schools.


What is Water Conservation? Water conservation means protecting and managing this limited fresh water supply and protecting the aquatic environment.


Our school uses a tremendous amount of water supply every day.

Water is required for our school maintenance, for things such as the heating, cooling systems, drinking water faucets, labs, and for our kitchens. There is also a huge pressure on our water resources as it used in almost every part of our daily lives.


We have got our Green School Flag for water, and we would encourage everyone to maintain our wiseuses of water.

The green School’s committee encourages the entire school community to make a sincere effort to be conscious of our water usage.

What can you do? It involves simple things such as turning off taps when not in use, reporting leaks, using refillable water bottles and collecting excess water and using it wisely.

Together we can improve and secure this precious resource that will be vital to the social and economic life of this nation for the  current and  future generations.